Cat, Dog And Pet Vaccinations

Vaccinations and regular health checks are vital for your pet’s health care. Available in Newcastle and Lake Macquarie.
As one of Newcastle’s most respected vets, our practice has
Vaccinations and regular health checks are vital for checking your pet’s health. It can sometimes be difficult to detect significant disease in pets. We generally recommend an annual health check which can often be combined with vaccinations or other routine procedures to ensure your pet stays healthy.
Vaccinations provide immunity against viruses that are difficult
Dog Vaccination
In dogs we vaccinate against:
- Canine Parvovirus
- Canine Distemper
- Canine Infectious Hepatitis
- Kennel Cough (Bordetella Bronchoseptica and Parainfluenza Virus)
Vaccinations are also available against Coronavirus and
Adverse reactions to vaccines can occur. Most are generally mild with a 24-48 hour period of lethargy, fever and inappetence. These should not be a cause for concern but we ask that you inform us before
Read more information on the viral diseases we vaccinate dogs against.
Cat Vaccination
In cats we vaccinate against;
- Feline Panleukopaenia
- Feline Calcivirus
- Feline Herpesvirus
Calicivirus and Herpesvirus are
Read more information on viral diseases we vaccinate cats against.
Rabbit Vaccination
In rabbits we vaccinate against Calicivirus (RCD).
All pet rabbits in Australia should be vaccinated against rabbit calicivirus (RCD), also known as Rabbit Viral Haemorrhagic Disease (RVHD). The disease is almost always fatal and death occurs rapidly within 12-18 hours, from respiratory and heart failure. There is no known treatment. There are several strains of the virus in Australia and in March 2017, the Department of Primary Industries released the virus nationally.
Ferret Vaccination
In ferrets we vaccinate against distemper.
Ferrets are susceptible to canine distempervirus and should be vaccinated against this. It is usually fatal in this species.
Vaccination protocols
- Dogs – We recommend vaccinations for puppies at 6-8, 10-12 and 16 weeks of age. A booster is generally given 12 months later. A yearly or triennial (3 yearly) booster is then recommended to cover Parvovirus, Distemper and Canine Infectious Hepatitis. Kennel Cough boosters are required annually.
- Cats – kittens are vaccinated at 6-8, 10-12 and 16 weeks of age. An annual booster is recommended thereafter.
- Rabbits – Kittens (Under 10 weeks of age) need 2 vaccinations – 1 month apart, then annually. Over 10 weeks of age – one vaccine – annually. If your rabbit was LAST given the OLD 6 mthly vaccine – it will still be due at the 6-month mark, but then will be given the new Annual vaccine.
- Ferrets – vaccinate at 8 and 12 weeks, then annually. For ferrets older than 12 weeks, one vaccination only may be given; however, a booster 4-6 weeks later is still advisable.
If you have a pet in Newcastle, contact us about their vaccinations.