It shouldn't happen to a dog - but it does. Hind limb lameness is a real pain and not something that should be ignored. For convenience, let's divide the causes of lameness into … [Read more...]
Senior cat citizens: Caring for an older cat
As preventative health care improves for cats, they are living longer and longer, with the average lifespan of an indoor, mixed breed cat being 15-20 years. As cats age, their … [Read more...]
Bone Groan: Arthritis in cats and dogs
Osteoarthritis in dogs and cats: What you can do If only our pets could talk! What messages do we miss by not being able to fully understand what they are thinking and feeling? … [Read more...]
Pet Care Tips for Cold Weather
When cold weather sets in, it is important to take extra care of your pets by helping them stay warm and safe throughout the winter months. Pets’ cold tolerance varies based on … [Read more...]