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Below is an extensive list of articles that contain valuable pet information on a wide range of topics.
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Your ultimate guide to pet care insurance
Take the time to make sure your pet is covered.
Gum disease in dogs and cats and what you can do
Dental disease is a common problem in pets, especially cats and dogs.
Your 9-step checklist for a new puppy or kitten
Everything you need to know about your new pet.
Crook Chooks
Chickens are relatively easy to keep healthy, but there are some common conditions and diseases that you need to watch or you may end up having a crook chook.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a general term for conditions that cause the lining of the intestines to become thickened and inflamed.
Dental Disease: Does Your Pet Have Bad Breath?
Dental disease is one of the most common problems affecting pets today, with four out of every five dogs and cats over the age of three years affected, the problem…
Dental disease: Does your dog have bad breath
Bad breath isn’t normal, it’s a sign of dental disease. Don’t let it affect your pet’s health, or your relationship with your pet.
Congestive Heart Failure in Dogs
Congestive heart failure is a broad medical term meaning that a dog’s heart cannot deliver sufficient blood to its body. This condition can be caused by a failure of the…
Why You Should Vaccinate Your Dog
Is your dog up to date on their vaccines? Vaccination is the only way to protect your dog against certain viral diseases that are highly contagious and possibly fatal.
Cat Spraying and Elimination Problems
Is your cat doing ‘nasties’ everywhere in the house except in its litter tray? Thankfully, there are solutions to this wee problem.